Skyland Capital: Verified Partners

What are your advantages as a Verified Partner?

  • Our team of experts at Skyland Capital will review your project, marketability, price expectation, and risk level for our members and suitable families from the community, carry out an evaluation, prepare an internal competitive analysis and, if it makes sense, give you the opportunity to present it to over 400 UHNWI families discreetly and with an integrated non-disclosure agreement (NDA) via our unique technology. A selective direct approach is also possible and is offered.

  • Presentation of a maximum of 2 projects per year.

  • If there is interest, we arrange personal introductions to potential capital partners and their management team, e.g. in the family office, where we are always on hand to provide support and advice.

  • If successful, these usually result in the provision of capital via loans, subordinated loans, participation via shares, mezzanine capital, joint ventures (JVs) or club deals through to permanent strategic capital partners. Our service is orchestration, Skyland Capital does not allocate any capital via capital collection agencies or regulated vehicles.

  • The vast majority are UHNWIs or companies backed by UHNWIs, including many of the wealthiest Germans, Austrians, Swiss, Europeans and Americans. Institutional capital providers and financial investors are also part of our network and can be approached on request, if appropriate to the project.

  • Embrace transparency: By registering as a "verified partner", you show our families what you can achieve, while having nothing to hide. This creates trust and increases the likelihood of joint success through necessary investments.

  • You are an owner, investor, project developer, property developer or other initiator of projects, but do not qualify as a UHNWI Member* and are looking for access to financially strong partners.

    *Of course, you can also have yourself verified as a member or a UHNWI if you are constantly looking for partners for your projects.

  • You are not a regulated capital collection agency and do not engage in classic fundraising, but have projects or plans, such as a neighbourhood development, in the real estate industry, a solar park or want to buy or invest in a company (more on M&A).

  • You are not a consultant, agent, broker or other intermediary, but are rather looking for capital yourself as a shareholder or initiator or via a company.

  • The sustained interest and provision of capital is not guaranteed. It depends on many factors, such as the geographical location of the project, the existing experience of the initiator, the reputation, compliance check, KYC, references, the market environment, the risk level, the volume and, even personal rapport. We give you the unique opportunity to present your offers to members of Europe's largest UHNWI community and convince them of your own project. This can lead to capital partnerships and business contacts for life that would otherwise not have become reality.


Online Signup

Use our online form to provide transparent, detailed and verifiable information about yourself, your company and your references.


Internal verification

We will check your application carefully and contact you to discuss further details. We may also contact some of the references listed.


Billing options

Choose between:

  1. An annual fee of €30,000, which covers a maximum of 2 projects per year.

  2. A monthly retainer of €10,000 per project.

Verified Partner
Important details
  • There is always a success-based transaction fee on the capital provided, payable by the initiator after the conclusion of the contract. The exact amount is negotiated individually and depends on the degree of difficulty, volume, time factor and other variables.

  • Optional minority shares in the project / SPV ensure mutual interests and "skin in the game". The amount of the share is agreed upon individually and depends on the volume, degree of difficulty, risk, etc. At the request of the parties involved, participation can also be waived, which is then compensated with an analogously increased transaction fee.

    On request, your projects will be displayed as "verified" in the member area and presented to our members as pre-qualified.

    Important: The offer is subject to change and can be revoked unilaterally at any time. You also have the right to reject presented projects at any time. It is only valid for business customers and cannot be concluded as a private consumer.

Would you like to become a partner?
Fill out the application form:

The largest family and family office community in Germany
Skyland Wealth GmbH
Eislebener Straße 9
10789 Berlin

Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 212483

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